I’ve added another photo album to the gallery. These were photographs from another album that belonged to my grandmother. Mostly Keatings, Popes, Millers, and Bowmans (Bowmen?).
An ongoing journal of genealogical and family discovery.
I’ve added another photo album to the gallery. These were photographs from another album that belonged to my grandmother. Mostly Keatings, Popes, Millers, and Bowmans (Bowmen?).
Hi, I have tried to register for your group, but it keeps coming back in and error.
My best friend as a teen was David Keating, I called him Charlie, and as it has turned out years later and after his death, that I have discovered he was actually related a cousin. His great grand father, married my grand father’s cousin. Annie Edwards married Charles John Keating born in 1878 and came to Canada as a Home Child.
Diane – Currently, the gallery only has pictures of interest to immediate and close family members, so I’ve disabled user-generated registration. I hope to update it to allow for user-submitted pictures in the near future, but am waiting for certain updates to the software that I am using. In the meantime, if you want to provide photographs, can I recommend Yahoo’s Flickr or Google’s Picasa?