KEATING, SIR HENRY SINGER, Lawyer, was born in the county of Dublin in 1804, and educated in the Irish capital at Trinity College, where he graduated M.A. In 1832 he was called to the bar at the Inner Temple, went the Oxford circuit, and became a Queen’s Counsel in 1849. When Parliament was returned for the borough of Reading as a Liberal, in favour of vote by ballot and an extension of the suffrage, and opposed to the Maynooth grant and church-rates; and in 1857, on the resignation of Mr. Stuart Wortley, he was appointed to the office of Solicitor-General and honoured with knighthood. Sir Henry Keating is a son of the late Lieutenant-General Sir H. S. Keating, who was for some time colonel of the 33d Regiment.
Source: Men of the Time: Biographical Sketches of Eminent Living Characters, published 1859 by W. Kent and Co., London, pp. 418-419. Available via
Also see this later biography of Sir Henry.