Born in Michigan
Descendant of Joshua Bodwell, of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Loftus N. Keating and Martha Keating, his wife.
See No. 14171
[Obviously a typo, should be her sister, Miss Mabel Nano Keating, 14170, of which the following is also written:
Granddaughter of John Keating and Elizabeth J. Bodwell, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of William Bodwell and Betsey Kimball, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of William Bodwell and Rachel French, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Joshua Bodwell and Priscella Barker, his wife.
Joshua Bodwell turned out at Lexington Alarm in Capt. John Davis’ company, Col. James Fry’s regiment. In 1780 he enlisted for the war from Essex county and when honorably discharged, 1782, was a member of Capt. Mason Wottles’ company, Col. Alvin Smith’s regiment. He was born in Essex county, Mass., 1736, and died at Antrim, N. H]
Source: Daughters of the American Revolution, Lineage Book, published 1902 by Daughters of the American Revolution, p. 63. Available via books.google.com.