Martin F. Keating, Jr.
Martin F. Keating, Jr. 43 of 115 Burnham street a foreman of the Singer Manufacturing company where he had been employed more than 27 years, died suddenly this morning in his home.
Services will take place Tuesday at 8:15 a m. in the Cyril F. Mullins funeral home 281 Barnum avenue, corner of Park street, and at 9 o’clock in Sacred Heart church. Burial will be in St. Michael’s cemetery.
Mr. Keating was a member of the Singer club, the Holy Name society of Sacred Heart church and the Council of Catholic men. He is survived by his wife, Louise Kronenberg Keating, a daughter, Mary Lou Keating, his father, Martin Keating Sr., two brothers, Harry Keating of Chicago and Joseph Keating of Bridgeport, and a sister, Miss Mary Keating, a teacher at Roosevelt school.
Source: Martin F. Keating, Jr., The Bridgeport Telegram, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 5 June 1948, p. 16.