W. D. K. Aldridge, This City, Nephew Of One Of Goldsboro Victims.
Three persons were killed late Tuesday afternoon when a Pennsylvania Railroad train struck their automobile, from which they were distributing advertisements for a “Santa Claus day” at Schoolhouse Crossing, Goldsboro, Md.The dead:
William T. Keating, 59, manager of stores at Denton and Centreville and former treasurer of Queen Anne’s County.
Miss Hazel Towers, 23, assistant manager of the stores.
Charles Conyer, negro chauffeur.
No Warnings Alleged.
The accident occurred at a grade crossing on the Clayton and Oxford branch of the Wilmington division. Witnesses said that there was no watchman or signal bell.
Conyer attempted to cross the tracks as the train, an extra superintendent’s train not on the timetables, reached the station. The automobile, a sedan, was hurled several yards, killing the occupants instantly and spreading “Santa Claus” literature for the store over the roadbed.
Called Accidental
Dr. Winder Goldsborough, after pronouncing death instantaneous, summoned Coroner Alonzo Cohee. A jury was called and pronounced the fatalities accidental.
Mr. Keating, a member of an old Maryland family, was prominent in the business, social and political life of the Eastern Shore. He is survived by five sisters — Mrs. Graham Watson, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Margaret K. Aldridge and the Misses Nannie, Martha, and Matilda Keating, all of Centreville, W. D. K. Aldridge, athletic coach at Frederick high school, is a nephew.
Source: Three Killed in Crossing Crash, The Frederick Post, Frederick, Maryland, 13 December 1928, p. 1.