Invitations have been issued to the wedding of Miss Kathleen Imelda Norris, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. Thomas Joseph Norris, of near Emmitsburg, and Daniel Dominic Keating, Jr. The wedding will take place Saturday morning, June 15, at nine o’clock at St. Anthony’s Shrine, near Emmitsburg.
Mr. Keating, who attended Mt. St. Mary’s College, near Emmitsburg, has been employed in Chicago, Ill., where Miss Norris, also worked until a few months ago. She was graduated from St. Joseph’s College, near Emmitsburg, in the class of 1936. Prof. Norris is among the faculty members of both colleges.
Source: Invitations Issued, The Frederick Post, Frederick, Maryland, 3 June 1940, p. 5.
Miss Kathleen Imelda Norris, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. T. J. Norris, St. Anthony’s, near Emmitsburg, became the bride of Daniel Dominic Keating, son of Daniel Keating, Chicago, Ill., at a very pretty wedding ceremony at St. Anthony’s church. Saturday morning, June 15th, at nine o’clock, with Rev. James Burke, a cousin of the groom, the celebrant of the nuptial mass.
The bride was lovely in a gown of white marquisette and a tiara veil of fingertip length and carried American Beauty roses and baby-breath. She had as her maid of honor Miss Francis Keating, sister of the groom. Miss Keating wore a gown of pink marquisette and lace, wore a large picture hat and carried garden roses and baby breath. Also in attendance to the bride were three bridesmaids, the Misses Rita, Maisie and Eileen Norris, all sisters of the bride, who wore figured gowns of blue, aqua, and yellow, respectively,with accessories to match and carried garden roses and babybreath.
Mr. Keating had as his best man Robert Moore, of Chicago, Ill. Ushers were Emmet Norris, Baltimore, brother of the bride; Jack Crumlish, Baltimore., and Joseph Ellis, Washington, D. C. Immediately following the marriage ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served the immediate friends of the family at an Emmitsburg tea room. Later in the afternoon, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents.
The newlyweds left on a honeymoon to Florida and points south after the reception, and plan upon their return to make their home in Chicago where the groom is employed.
Source: Keating–Norris, The Frederick Post, Frederick, Maryland, 25 June 1940, p. 5.