James P. McNally – The name of McNally has long been prominently identified with the wholesale distribution of woolen fabrics in Pittsburgh, and Mr. McNally, one of the present heads of the business, is a son of James A. McNally, the founder of the firm James A. McNally & Sons. James A. McNally established the business in 1867, and built up a large trade in imported and domestic woolens by the yard at wholesale, special attention being given to the famous hand loom products by the Irish cottage industries. He married Mary Ingoldsby, who was descended from one of the earliest pioneer families of Pittsburgh.James P. McNally was born in Pittsburgh, Jan. 8, 1869, and was educated at Fordham University, of New York City, from which institution he was graduated in the class of 1892. After finishing school he spent one year in travel abroad, then, in 1893, entered business with his father in Pittsburgh, and has since taken an increasingly responsible interest in the business, which dates from 1867.
Mr. McNally for many years was identified with Pennsylvania military affairs, entering the service as second lieutenant in 1894, and passing by promotion to the rank of captain of Company D, Eighteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania National Guard. During the Spanish-American War he served as adjutant of this regiment. Mr. McNally has always been deeply interested in outdoor sports, and particularly enjoys golf, hand ball, and horse-back riding. He is a member of the American Republican Club, Shannopin Country Club, and the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce.
On Jan 31, 1900, Mr. McNally married Constance Keating, daughter of Anthony F. and Emily (Toner) Keating, the father a well-known steel man of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. McNally were the parents of five children: James A., Constance Mary, William Keating, Victor A., and Emily Patricia. The family resides in at Shields, Sewickley Valley. Mrs. Constance (Keating) McNally died Jan 2. 1918, and on Sept. 22, 1920, Mr. McNally married Emily Alice Keating, a sister of his deceased wife, who was for a number of years interested in juvenile court work in this city, and is still active in various phases of child welfare work. A daughter, Barbara, was born in Mr. and Mrs. James P. and Emily A. (Keating) McNall, July 18, 1921.
Source: Fleming, George Thornton, History of Pittsburgh and Environs, published 1922 by The American Historical Society, New York, p. 98. Available via books.google.com.
I live at Crobane, in Newry, Northern ireland, James McNally son of Michel & Brigid McNally, left here with his three brothers during the familine years. These are my ancestors
Hi, Therese. This is probably not related at all. But…my grandfather James McNally came to Melbourne, Australia in the early 1920s from Scotland. He had an Irish background, which he didn’t talk about because of the treatment he received when his mother died. He had brothers whom he Sponsored to come out, Andrew and Jack, and had married Anna Macleod in Scotland who got him to change it to MacNally to Scottish-ise it. He also had half-silbings when his father remarried. I wish all the sources I want to research weren’t asking for money to do it!
Hi Therese.
I am also related to the McNallys and Fearons from near Crobane,Newry,Rostrevor…
My gr gr grandfather Edward McNally was a brother of James A.
McNally who started the Pittsburgh business.
Edward also came to Pittsburgh as did many others
in this family — Hugh, Patrick, Elizabeth, Catharine.
I think there were about 9 brothers and sisters altogether.
Interested in corresponding with other relatives
and would love to get more details from you. Had no idea
there were still McNallys in Crobane. That’s exciting.
Please respond if you see this.
David Obert, New Jersey
Do the following McNally names mean anything to anyone….
1897 7th February Joseph Patrick
1899 23rd July Thomas George
1903 10th january Edward Charles
Joseph Patrick McNally came to Melbourne 1931
No knowledge of his brothers Thomas and Edward
I am from Northern Ireland my mother was Ann Mc Nally her grandfather and grand uncles went to Pensylvania and James Mc Nally I believe had a department store . I am keen to trace my family I am keen to contact the person Therese Mc Nally Mc Avoy as I think there could be a link.. Any information re Mc Nally Crobane , Barr , Glen and Saville Newry would be appreciated thanks Marion
James A. McNally was my great grandfather. James P. was my grandfather and Victor A. was my father. I am 67 years old. I found this web site while trying to find some family information for my cousin, Shaun, who is the grandson of Charles, James P.’s brother. I would love to establish contact with Therese McNally McAvoy, if she is willing to do so. My home telephone number in Pittsburgh is 412-247-1033.
You may have got in touch with Therese McNally McAvoy at this stage. I live in Rathfriland, Co Down. My grandmother was Mary Anne McNally from Crobane and from the same family as James A. There are still plenty of McNallys in Crobane.
I have a letter at home on McNally Woolens headed notepaper, with a picture of the McNally Building, dated 1919 to Katie McNally in Crobane and I think there were other photographs in the family that may have been sent home. I cant recall which of the McNallys signed the letter. Just drop me an email.
I have corresponded with Marion Miller here recently. Sounds like we are all interested in the same McNally family from Crobane. I am happy to share what I know and hope to learn more. My e-mail is davidgobert@live.com. This website hides e-mail addresses so I can’t write anyone directly, so hope some of you might see this sometime.
Hello Therese
we called with your dad .We are still keen to make contact with you .peter Sands can you also contact me.
Thanks Marion
Peter do contact me mansilmiller@ hotmail..com thanks Marion
I am still keen to contact Peter Sands .My email is mansilmiller@hotmail.com
Thanks Marion
Therese and Mark, I’m excited to know that we have McNally relatives
In your area! My husband’s great grandfather is also James McNally.
We would love to connect with you! My husband’s father was James Anthony McNally, who died before he as born. My husband, Jim,was subsequently adopted by his step father, John Sargent. My husband James
McNally Sargent was born in Pittsburgh in 1950.
Still very interested in being contacted by Peter Sands and Therese Mc Nally .mansilmiller@hotmail.com