An Awful End (1894)

An Awful End.

Arthur Bopp, a Lovable Young Man, Commits Suicide This Morning.

A Bullet in his Brain.

Trivial Troubles Prey Upon an Overwrought Mind and Coupled With Regret for Trifling Dissipation Cause the Deed to Be Done.

Arthur Bopp, a well known young gardener of this city, sent his soul into eternity by committing suicide at about 7 o’clock this morning. The cause of his rash deed is unknown, but it is believed by his relatives that it was a love affair.

Young Bopp worked all day yesterday on his brother’s farm, which is about two miles from this city along the Potomac river, and seemed to be in the best of humor. In the afternoon he was sent to this city for a load of grain and when he returned in the evening he was slightly under the influence of liquor.

His brother John met him on his return and remarked, “Artie, you are a little late.” His reply was, “yes, but I will be through in a few moments.” After he had unloaded the wagon, he unhitched the horses and put them in the stable and fed them. When he had done this he went into the house and laid down on a lounge and fell asleep.

He laid there for some time, and late in the evening he got up and walked out into the yard. Here he met his brother-in-law, Jacob Griesmann, and the talked about Mrs. Bopp the young man’s mother going away. She intended to leave the farm and go away to some place unknown. Not that she had any trouble or any difficulty with any member of her son’s family, for she was always looked upon as mistress of the house. She said she was tired of living on the farm and was going away.

Arthur said, “If mother is going away I will go too. I will go forever. I cannot live without her.” After conversing with Mr. Greesmann [sic] for some time the unhappy young man went into the house and said he was going to bed, which he did. At about 6:45 o’clock this morning he got up and dressed himself and must have then put the revolver in his pocket and gone down stairs.

The young lady whom he admired was there getting breakfast ready, and he bade her a pleasant “good morning.” He then took a drink of water. The young lady stood in the doorway and said to him “Artie, if you would only drink that always and not drink beer you would please me very much.” He replied, “I can’t; are you mad?” “Yes,” replied the girl, “I am.” “Well, I can’t help you,” he said, as he walked down to the stable.

After he had fed the horses he went up into the hay loft and laid down on the hay and put the pistol to his left temple and sent a bullet through his head. His mother thought she heard the shot but did not say anything.

At about 7:30 o’clock his brother, John, went out to the stable to see what was detaining him, as he had not yet had his breakfast. He went up into the hay loft and found his brother lying on his side, apparently asleep. He returned to the house and got a lantern and went back to the stable to do some work and arouse his brother. He went up into the loft again and then discovered that the young man was lying in a pool of blood.

He ran back to the house for help, and with some of his workmen, they carried the injured man into the house. He died about half an hour later. Dr. Carr was summoned, but could not restore the life that had ebbed away.

On the doctor’s return to town Coroner Strong was summoned and he impanelled the following jury and repaired to the scene of the suicide: George Langlotz, foreman; David Strong, Joseph Brandt, Charles E. Keller, George Ohr, Frederick Dreyer, Samuel Luman, Daniel Ward, Nicholas Ritter, R. M. Montgomery, E. P. Baldwin, and Geo. F. Mallon.

After all the witnesses had been examined the jury viewed the body. They did not decide how the young man met death, as they will have to consult Dr. Carr before this can be done. They will meet in the station house this afternoon and render their decision.

The young man’s mother is almost frantic with grief. The young man was within a fraction of twenty-four years of age, and was the youngest of the family. He was of a tender disposition and always had a pleasant word for everybody. He was greatly attached to his aged mother, and every moment he could spare he was at her side.

His father was drowned at the canal locks 22 years ago, and his brother Edward was accidentally drowned when fishing in the river about 100 yards from the house 10 years ago.

He was subject to vertigo and while sitting on a stone fishing was attacked and fell into the river and was drowned. The revolver, which young Bopp used belonged to himself and is a 32-calibre. There are two empty shells in it. The funeral arrangements have not as yet been made.

Source: An Awful End, Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland, 4 January 1894, p. 1.

The Funeral of Arthur BoppThe funeral of Arthur Bopp took place this afternoon at 2 o’clock, services being held at the home of the deceased and not at German Luthern [sic] church as heretofore announced. A committee of six from the German Maennerchor society acted as pall-bearers.

Source: The Funeral of Arthur Bopp, Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland, 6 January 1894, p. 1.

How does this relate to my Pope family? When they first arrived in western Maryland, the name was spelled Bopp. Although I don’t yet have a record of Arthur, John, or Edward, I can’t help but wonder if they are distant cousins.

One Reply to “An Awful End (1894)”

  1. Hi Keating family, John Adam Bopp, brother of Edward and Arthur is my Great Grandfather. They founded Bopp’s Flower shop in 1883 in Cumberland and lived and owned green houses along the Potomac.
    Most of the information I know begins there and comes forward.
    Here’s a quick tree from there. John Adam Bopp married Catherine Weber and had four kids (1892-1898) Nell Bopp, Willie Bopp (who ironically drowned in the Potomac at age 8), Arthur Bopp (who was apparently named after his uncle) and my Grandfather John Elmer Bopp. John Elmer Bopp married Joanna D. Ward and had 2 childerin, Olive Catherine Bopp Dec 19, 1920 – living in Myrtle Beach and has no kids), and my father John Elmer (Jack) Bopp (Oct 14, 1932 – living in Myrtle Beach. He sold Bopp’s flower shop in 1970 and began working for Celanese. Transferred to Rock Hill, SC in 1975). I am one of five – four boys and one girl. The five of us range between 38 years old and 57 years old ( I’m 47)and the five of us have a total of 10 kids (7 boys). So far they have 4 kids (2 Boys). We’ve made sure the Bopp name will live on.
    I’m the family historian and have a room full of family photos, news clippings, paperwork etc. I’ll have to dig around and see what I can find from the early days. I know I have a copy of US citizenship papers, but I’m sure the name was Bopp. I don’t recall Pope on anything. I’ll have to ask some of the older folks and see what they know. Feel free to call me anytime at 803-230-2299 or e-mail . Thanks for the interest and for digging up this gorry artical. It was news to me. Not a story that was passed down through the generations. It will be interesting to see the reactions when I pass this along. Thanks again, Jim Bopp

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