People Hurled Through the Air, but Escape Serious Injury.
Mahanoy City, Pa., April 10.–A tornado struck Jacksons, a mining village near here late this afternoon, causing considerable destruction. Houses were unroofed, trees were uprooted, and telephone and telegraph wires were torn down. Miss Mamie Keating and Miss Marion Higgins were picked up by the storm and deposited in a field fifty feet away. Neither was badly hurt. William Dowling was caught in the whirl and hurled quite a distance, but escaped unhurt. About half a mile from Jacksons the storm hit a culm bank and plowed a deep furrow about two feet wide through it.
The storm rose in the southwest, and traveled northeast. It did great damage in the rural sections, but no loss of life was reported.
Columbus, Ohio, April 10.–A destructive storm swept over Southern and Southeastern Ohio this afternoon. At Chillicothe, the German Methodist Church was unroofed, and a part of the steeple of St. Peter’s Church was blown away. Thirty children were rehearsing a play in Memorial Hall when the steeple from the Third Street Presbyterian Church, and a pile of bricks crushed through the roof. No one was seriously hurt, but many were bruised by flying brick.
Source: Tornado in Pennsylvania, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 11 April 1905, p. 1.