The marriage today at Media, Pa., of Miss Edith G. Keating, daughter of Mrs. John M. Keating, of Sunnyside, Wawa, Pa., and Mr. William F. Sands, United States minister to Guatemala, will be one of the interesting events of the season.The ceremony today will take place in St. Thomas’ Church and will be attended by the members of the immediate families.Mrs. Sands is the son of Rear Admiral James Hoban Sands, U. S. N., and Mrs. Sands, and a nephew of Mr. F. P. B. Sands. He was born in the District of Columbia and is 32 years old. He was educated abroad. At the time of his elevation to the Guatemalan post he was secretary of embassy in Mexico. Mr. Sands will take his bride immediately to his new post.
Miss Keating is the granddaughter of the late Mr. Peter McCall.
Source: Minister Sands Wed Today At Media, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 17 August 1909, p. 7.