At the Casino next week one of the features will be the Diamond Comedy Four, a singing quartet. Another interesting act will be the Todesca Keating trio, comedy bicyclists. Harry Burgoyne, an eccentric comedian, will entertain with conversational patter and topical songs, Stuart and Ward sing, dance, and joke. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Thomas will appear in “The Dog Thief,” Blanche Sewell, concert vocalist, will be heard.
Source:Â Casino–Vaudeville, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 19 January 1911, p. 11.
[Who would’ve thought there was such a thing as a “comedy bicyclist”? – John]
Dear John,
My grandfather was Rafaelle Todesca of the Todesca Keating Trio.
Would love any information about the Keating side, and if you know
anything about Todesca.