Telegram to Mrs. Mason, Sister, Here, Announces Demise in Atlanta.
Announcing the death in Atlanta yesterday morning of the Rt. Rev. Cleland Kinloch Nelson, bishop of Atlanta, a telegram was received last evening by his sister, Mrs. Beverly Randolph Mason, of this city. He is survived by his wife and another sister, Mrs. W. B. Goolrick, of Frederick, Md.
Bishop Nelson was born in Virginia in 1852. His parents were Keating and Julia Nelson, of Albemarle county. The early years of his ministry were spent in Germantown and South Bethlehem, Pa. He was called to the bishopric of Georgia in 1892, and was consecrated February 24 of that year. He was made bishop of Atlanta in 1907.
Source: Death of Bishop Nelson, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 15 February 1917, p. 4.