Visiting Bishops Will Be Guests of Mgr. Thomas Today.
The Right Rev. Frederick Keating, bishop of Northampton, England, and Bishop Julian, of Arras, France, of the visiting Catholic clergymen who came to this country to do honor to Cardinal Gibbons on his jubilee celebration and were among the guests at a luncheon yesterday at the Belgian Legation, are guests with the others of the party at the Catholic University of America, at Brookland. They were entertained also yesterday afternoon by Mgr. Bonzano, papal delegate to the United States. A luncheon will be tendered them by Mgr. Thomas of St. Patrick’s Church, at 1 o’clock this afternoon. The party will include those attending the luncheon yesterday at the Belgian Legation in addition to the priesis of the District and of churches of cities nearby.
Tomorrow, the clergymen will be guests of the British and French legations and on Friday a trip to Mt. Vernon is planned.
Source: Envoys and Clergy Hosts to Prelates, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 23 October 1918, p. 2.