Virginia Obituary
Winchester, Oct. 12–Miss Kathleen Keating, aged about 28 years, daughter of William Keating, died yesterday of pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. Shortly before her death word was received of the death from the same disease of her cousin, Miss Julia Reilly, in Harrisonburg, Va. Miss Keating leave[s] her father, two sisters and one brother. She was a niece of Col. John Keating and James Clark, of Cumberland, Md.
Source: Virginia Obituary, The Washington Post, Washington, District of Columbia, 13 October 1918, p. 8.
Kathleen Keating is my aunt. My mother was Helen Keating of Winchester Virginia. (born 1902, married Laurence O’DOnnell Sullivanof Harrisonburg died late 1980’s.)
Her father was William Keating of Winchester.
She had a brother, William who died around 1930 and a sister Nan Francis (married Thomas McGrail) who died around 1989.
Would be interested in hearing more about this family. I was aware of the Col John Keating connection as he did business in Winchester and I remember my mother speaking about him.
James Clark (cited in the obituary above), is my great-grandfather. His mother was Catherine Clark, who re-married after her first husband died and then had other children, including Col John Keating. I believe that James Clark was born on a famine ship in November of 1846, but can’t verify that in any official passenger list records. If anyone has any further details about Catherine Keating’s history or emigration to America, I would appreciate that.