Protest Filed In Red ‘Kidnap’ Of Three Yanks
Berlin (UPI) – The U. S. Army today protested to the Soviet High Command in Germany the “abduction at gunpoint” by Communist German police of three American soldiers who wandered into East Germany by mistake, an American spokesman said.
The soldiers were arrested Tuesday afternoon and released after being interrogated for hours. One was held 18 hours and the two others six hours.
The soldiers were Sgt. 1-C Laurence Keating of Union City, N. J., Spec 5 Edward Mellon of Lindenhurst, N. Y., and Spec 4 Dawson Farrell of Casper, Wyoming.
Source: Protest Filed In Red ‘Kidnap’ Of Three Yanks, Cumberland Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland, 16 November 1962. p. 1.