2 Men Die In Crashes On Highways
A New York City man, Sterling Keating, 36, was instantly killed and his companion, Ruby Hines, 28, seriously injured when Keating lost control of the car in which they were riding and upset at the Bedford Interchange on the Turnpike early yesterday morning.
Keating died of a fractured skull and Miss Hines is a patient in Timmins hospital where she is being treated for chest injuries. Police reported that the two were enroute to Miss Hines’ home in St. Louis, when the accident occurred. Keating apparently became confused at the turn at the interchange, lost control of the car, ran off the road and overturned.
The dead man was a waiter for the Pennsylvania Railway lines. His body was taken to the Pate funeral home pending notification of relatives.
Source: 2 Men Die In Crashes on Highways, Bedford Gazette, Bedford, Pennsylvania, 13 January 1950, p. 7.