Wilson Caton
Meyersdale, Jan. 15 – Wilson Caton, 75 years old, of Greenville township, died Tuesday morning at his home of complications. He was a son of Simon and Rebecca Meese Caton, both deceased, and was born in Garrett county, Md. His wife, Mrs. Sarah Caton, preceded him in death in 1932.
Surviving are these children: William E., of Garrett, John W., of Mt. Savage, Md., Harry S. and George A. of Meyersdale, R. D., Mrs. John Lottig of Sand Patch, Mrs. Walter Judy of Somerset, Mrs. Arthur Cook of St. Paul, Elk Lick township, and Mrs. Cyrus Bitner of Meyersdale. There are 32 grandchildren, one great—grandchild and one sister, Mrs. Charles Albright of Frostburg, Md.
Source: Wilson Caton, The Daily Courier, Connellsville, Pennsylvania, 15 January 1938, p. 5.