Miss Mary Elizabeth Keating, eldest daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth F. Keating and the late William Devereux Keating, were married at St. Paul’s P. E. Church, Centreville,Thursday at 2 o’clock p. m., by the rector, Rev. James A. Mitchell, to Ex-State’s Attorney Philemon Brown Hopper, one of the leading members of the bar in the Second Judicial Circuit. The bride entered the church accompanied by her brother, Mr. Augustus McCabe Keating and was met at the cancel rail by the groom, accompanied by his best man, Mr. Aristides S. Goldsborough. The ushers were Mr. William T. Keating, Dr. Frank W. keating, Messrs. Clayton Wright, Joseph M. Parvis, J. Frank Harper. The bride wore a tailor made traveling suit of blue of cloth, with hat to match, tan gloves and carried a white prayer book. The groom, best man and ushers wore black cutaway coats, grey trousers and pearl colored gloves. After the ceremony, the bridal couple left on the afternoon train for Philadelphia and other northern cities for a short wedding tour. Upon their return, they will reside temporarily at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Centreville, while the property of Mr. Hopper, on Kidwell Avenue, is being improved.
Source: Proceedings of Hymen’s Court, Denton Journal, Denton, Maryland, 14 January 1899.