I’ve often bemoaned the loss of the 1890 US Census. Many of my early brick walls would have been easily knocked over if that census had still existed. So what happened to it? YouTuber “The History Guy” has a good explanation in his YouTube video below:
I am a gggg nephew of John Keating (1760 – 1852) of Philadelphia and Wilmington and I would like a photograph of a painting of him. His twin brother William is my ggg grandfather. I wonder when he moved from Mauritius to colonial Maine.
I’m not directly related to your Keatings (some of whom remain in Mauritius to this day), but have found their stories interesting enough to mark them on the site with the tag “Philadelphia Keatings”. Here’s a link to a number of stories I’ve found on your kin!
Thank you!
I cant find anything on Theresa Keating. I wrote to the Good Shephards in hopes that she might have also joined that order but they have no record of her, only her sisters Agnes and Julia. Where did the story that she died after falling down the convent stairs originate? I am trying to track the Waardenberg Syndrome which must have come from the Hylands.