Dublin Keatings: 1847 Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland

TitleFirst NameMiddle NameSurnameSuffixJob DescriptionAddressProperty ValuePage(s)Notes
Keatingprinters50 Stafford street526, 802, 897p. 526, “Keating Brothers”
Mrs.Keating2 Synnot place50£526, 803
Mrs.Keating1 Parnell terrace & 8th Circular road526, 803
Mrs.Keating23 Philipsburgh avenue, Clontarf860p860, also “Miss McNulty”
AmbroseKeatingvintner159 Thomas’s lane25£813, 908p813, also “Patrick Branagan, horse shoer”
CharlesKeatingengraver and german silver manufacturer40 Henry street30£526, 741, 880, 882p741, also “Susan Roberts, button, trimming, comb, brush, & general fancy warehouse”; p882, “42 Henry street”
CharlesKeatingsilk weaverBrickfield lane668
DanielKeatingboarding and lodging house3 Gregg’s lane20£734
Mrs.E(lizabeth)Keatingboarding and day school116 Upper Dorset street55£526, 708, 900
EdwardKeatingengravers, copperplate, and lithographic printers8 Wicklow street880
ElizaKeatingclothes broker19/20 Hanover lane736
GeoffreyKeatingprov. deal.16 Purdon street790
JamesKeating30 Aldborough’s court652
JamesKeating37 Upper Gloucester place15£729p729, also “John Reid, coach maker”
JohnKeating33 Lower Mecklenburgh street20£526, 764
JohnKeatingcorn and flour factory10 Charleville mall25£526, 685, 726, 838p 526 “and 14 George’s quay”; p726, “Atkinson and Keating, 15£”
Rev.JohnKeatingLincoln Lane754p754, “Chapel House of Arran quay Chapel”
JohnKeating23 Dolphin’s barn704
JohnKeatingvictual.30 Bull alley676
MaryKeatingdairy6 Leeson lane12£751
MichaelKeatinggrocer and spirit dealer141 Townsend street10£815, 882
MichaelJohnKeatingsilk warper22 Braithwaite street15£668, 901
NicholasKeatingboot and shoemaker13 Montague street15£769
PatrickKeatingfurniture broker24 Upper Liffey street20£754
PatrickKeatingprov. dealer15 Phoenix street15£786
RichardKeatinggrocer and wine merchant108 Great Britain street50£526, 671, 882
WilliamKeating1 Middle Mountjoy street12£526, 773p. 773, also at 1 Middle Mountjoy, “J. and M. Ross, dressmakers”
WilliamKeatingprov. dealer2 Upper Eccles lane709
JohnKeatingesol(icitor)37 Cuffe street & Tivoli terrace526p 526, “Harold’s Cross”
MauriceKeatingebar(rister)21 South Merrion square526, 767
MichaelGeorgeKeatinge8 Charleville mall25L526, 685
Mrs.Keatinge49 Upper Sackville street526, 798.p798, also “John Gaghram, M.D. surgeon and apothecary, 120L”
NicholasKeatingeesq.19 Richmond hill, Rathmines526, 849
Right Hon.RichardKeatingeLLDJudge of the Prerogative Court21 South Merrion square526, 767
J.KeatingTaylorIn the Annalls of Dublin appendix, J. Keating Taylor is noted as being sheriff 1831-1832.

Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland. Ireland: Pettigrew & Oulton., 1847.

8 Replies to “Dublin Keatings: 1847 Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland”

  1. Hello, I am interested in Charles Keatinge (silversmith) and Edward Keatinge (engraver) both of whom are listed on this 1847 Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland. I believe that both soon relocated to the USA, as they are in the 1850 census from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Does anyone have additional information on them?

  2. Charles — I don’t know of Charles and Edward, beyond the transcription, but I often find my research leads into Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh area) for my own Keatings. I’ll keep an eye out for them. Do you know if they’re related?

  3. I believe they are related. They were working close to each other in Dublin in the 1840s, and in 1850 Philadelphia, they were living in the same house, both working in metal – with Charles then being 52 years old and Edward 24 years old. .

  4. Edward Charles Keatinge is who I am most interested in. From Philadelphia in 1850, he made his way to New York where he became an engraver for the American Bank Note Company. Then, in 1862, he was recruited by the Confederate Treasury to become one of the principal engraver/printers of Confederate currency. In fact, Edward soon became the Confederacy’s lead engraver/printer. I have some data that says he was the brother of The Right Hon. Judge Richard Keatinge in Dublin (whose father was also famous – Maurice Keatinge), but the genealogy doesn’t support Maurice having a son named Edward. There were some famous Dubliner Keantinges including some that were engravers, but I haven’t been able to get all the data to follow these individuals (I use Ancestry.com without the international component).

  5. Wow, I’ve actually seen the “Keating” bills on e-bay in the past and thought about picking one up just because it was engraved by a Keating. Are you related to these Keatinges, or interested in them for the historical aspects?

  6. I am a neuroscientist-marine biologist by profession. My hobby in numismatics led me to be interested in research in 19th century US history. I publish this work in a magazine/journal named Paper Money, among others.
    I’m wondering if Charles is an uncle or some relative of Edward. If they were father and son, I would have thought that Edward would have also been a silversmith like Charles. I will keep at it… I find it difficult to let these things go when I’m this close. If you have any ideas or contacts who might help, please let me know.
    If you decide to buy a Keatinge & Ball note (I am similarity tracking down the line of Thomas Alexander Ball), ebay has many and if there are some that catch your eye, I could advise you on price

  7. Charles,

    I love it when hobbies collide! I’ll let you know if/when I do purchase a Keatinge & Ball note. Knowing this bit of the potential family history of the engraver definitely makes it that much more interesting.

    I thought I had a bit more on Maurice’s family somewhere. This older post, entitled “Captain ‘John Keating’ of King James’s Irish Army (1689)“, tells of previous generations in the Narraghmore Keating family, but only reaches backward, not forward. The family naming conventions definitely include Charles and Edward/Edmund (a common variation) — a clue that you’re on the right track.

    Edmund / Edward Keating
    + ?
    |- John Keating (Lord Chief Justice of Ireland)
    |- Maurice Keating (d. 1683)
       + Judith Cocks
       | Maurice Keating
       | Edmund Keating
       | John Keating
       | Charles Keating
       | Eleanor Keating
         + Edward Bolton of Brazeel
       | Catherine Keating

    I’ve also got a bit more on John (Lord Chief Justice) and his parentage (and burial), but haven’t yet formatted it for uploading. If interested, I can move that up the queue.

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