Earlier this year, I started gathering a collection of citations from online issues of the Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society and Surround Districts. Lots of gems in here on Keatings in the Co. Kildare area, and I’d like to do the same with other available journals (as well as find a good source for issues not readily available online). I ordered the entries in my notes by the earliest year referenced in each article. I’ve some ideas for a searchable database containing these entries, but for now, here they are in article form.
II. William Dongan, the second son, was Recorder of the City of Dublin. […]
O’Leary, E. “Miscellaea. The Dongan Family in the County of Kildare at the commencement of the seventeenth century.” Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society and Surrounding Districts IV (1903-1905): 67-70. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Journal_of_the_Co_Kildare_Archaeological/rSIvAAAAMAAJ (accessed February 26, 2021).
His will was dated 16th November, 1622 ; the overseers to it were :–
Sir Nicholas Whyte, Kt. Of Leixlip ; Sir Walter Dongan, Bart., his brother; Sir William Talbot, Kt., of Carton ; and his servant, Gerard Keating, of Dublin. His death took place on the 11th December, 1622; and he was buried with his parents in St. John’s Church, Dublin. By his wife, Slany O’Brien, daughter of Murrough, 4th Baron of Inchiquin, he left four daughters and one son, viz. :– [sic]
Thank you for all of your research! I enjoy reading your posts.