Earlier this year, I started gathering a collection of citations from online issues of the Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society and Surround Districts. Lots of gems in here on Keatings in the Co. Kildare area, and I’d like to do the same with other available journals (as well as find a good source for issues not readily available online). I ordered the entries in my notes by the earliest year referenced in each article. I’ve some ideas for a searchable database containing these entries, but for now, here they are in article form.
In 1716 when we came over from England my Father got one, the Rev. Mr. West, to live in the house to be my Tutor, and so I was in the house learning Latin from Mr. West till Witsontide 1717, and then my father finding me not improve, he sent me to one Mr. John Garnet who kept the Latin School in Athy, and was just then come to Athy, and succeeded Mr. Isaac Dalton who had kept school there for above 40 years. I lodged at said Mr. Dalton’s who used to examine and instruct me after school time. I lodged with him until 1718 when Mr. Garnet marryed and went to housekeeping, and then I went and lodged with him and continued with him while I stayed in school in Athy, the chief of my schoolfellows whilst I was here at schooll were Thomas Keightin (Keating) son of Col. Thos. K. of Narraghmore, Robert Pinsert now a Minister, Jn. Doyle now a minister, and schoolmaster of Athy, Emerson Peirce son of Col. H. P. of Seskin in ye county of Wicklow, Warner Westenra, Billy, Dick, and Ben Fish of Toberogan […]
Cosby, Pole. “Autobiography of Pole Cosby, of Stradbally, Queen’s County, 1703-1737(?).” Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society and Surrounding Districts V (1906-1908): 79-99. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Journal_of_the_Co_Kildare_Archaeological/YiIvAAAAMAAJ (accessed February 27, 2021).