Way back in January of 2008, I started an experiment on KeatingSearch.com by showing Google Ads. At the time, I hoped that it would cover the costs of the web site and maybe even cover some other genealogy costs (such as my Ancestry.com subscription or some DNA tests or (in my wildest dreams) travel).
Since I’m an old-school Internet user, I’ve never felt comfortable with the ads. Way back in the 80s and early 90s, the “Big I” Internet (and later web) was pretty much free (beyond connection costs). When ads began appearing in the late 90s, it seemed like a blight to many of us older netizens. When subscriptions began, it turned from a blight to a plague. (Since this is a family site, we won’t even go into my thoughts on “pop-up” ads…)
Google Ads are really meant for sites that receive a lot of traffic. This site is narrowly focused and while (I hope) a valuable resource, I don’t ever expect that it will receive a large number of visitors on a regular basis, much less visitors that will click on an ad. In almost 16 years, I’ve received a single check for $100 (the minimum amount that Google will write a check for) and I’ll soon be receiving a second check for the same amount. That’s $200 over 16 years, or just over $1.05 a month since I turned on the ads. That’s not much, especially since I occasionally have to take the time to make adjustments as Google changes their system.
So, the Google Ads are on their way out at the end of October. Hopefully, the pages will appear a bit cleaner as a result. For those who have clicked on an ad over the years (either purposely or accidently), thank you for your support, and I hope you found something useful at the other end of that link!
For those that feel a strong desire to contribute to my genealogy (or caffeine) habit, I have set up a donation button through BuyMeACoffee.com. The button will be in the right column of most pages where the ads currently sit (and are much smaller than the ads!) Although donations are welcome, please don’t feel obligated to contribute — I’m lucky that my career choice allows me the luxury of such (at times expensive) hobbies.