Births (17 January 1968)

Births Keating–Mr. and Mrs. John W., RD 2, Flintstone, a son yesterday in Memorial. Source: Births, Cumberland Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland, 17 January 1968, p. 30. [This was my second—cousin, who shares a name with me. – JWK3]

Dr., Mrs. Stanley Keating Parents of Son (27 January 1963)

Dr., Mrs. Stanley Keating Parents of Son Dr. and Mrs. Stanley John Keating, Jr., of Hartford, announce the birth of their first child, a son, Stanley John, 3rd on Jan. 11 in St. Francis hospital, Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Read More …

James Edward McKenzie Jr. (1970)

Births Reported […] Mr. and Mrs. James E. McKenzie, 824-A East Patrick Street, first child, a son, James Edward Jr. Wednesday. Mrs. McKenzie is the former Mary Cecelia Keating, Cumberland. Births Reported, The Frederick Post, Frederick, Maryland, 17 January 1970, Read More …